8:40 AM
School Commences

10:50 - 11:30 AM
Lunch Break

1:30 - 1:50 PM
Afternoon Tea

3:00 PM
School Day Ends
Students are expected to be at school before 8.40 am when the first bell is rung. No students should be at school before 8.00 am unless permission has been requested in writing from the Principal. Students are supervised from 8.20 am to 8.40 am in the playground. Students arriving before 8.20 am will remain in the courtyard until that time. Students are not permitted in classrooms unless a teacher is present.
Children who arrive after 8.40 am or leave school during the day are to be signed in or out through the school office. If you wish to drop items off for your child, this is also to be done through the administration
Students waiting to be picked up by parents, riding or walking home need to leave via the Yew Street gate as this is where teacher supervision is provided. If riding, students will need to have their helmet on their head before leaving the school grounds. If walking, they will need to have their school hat on before leaving.
A note or phone call is required to explain the reason for absence for whole or part of school day. This could also be done through the skoolbag app by selecting parent e-forms>absentee note.
If you would like to learn more about the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme please click the button below.