Curriculum is an integral part of the school and has both formal and informal aspects. In fact, it includes everything that the student experiences in the school - the development of academic abilities and sporting, social and personal skills. Our school's curriculum is based on the Australian Curriculum.
St Joseph's believes in supporting individuals by providing a curriculum which caters for the needs of the individual. We motivate the students to improve the quality of their life by endeavouring to initiate the perfect example of Jesus Christ.
St Joseph’s School has multi-age classrooms which are small in number, enabling teachers to cater for individual learners and implement a meaningful and thorough curriculum. Students and teachers are constantly engaged in analysing their ways of learning and striving to improve. Quality in teaching and learning remains a clear focus. In order for students to deeply engage with the curriculum, units of study are designed to co-ordinate with cultural and local community events and opportunities with visiting specialists and performers.
Our experienced teachers have an excellent understanding of how to cover the curriculum effectively across the composite classes. The learning areas are implemented over a three year cycle so in-depth study of topics can occur.









St Joseph's models itself on the values taught by Jesus Christ. The teachers recognise their unique roles in supporting parents in the education of their child/children. The Religious Education program aims to develop the Catholic faith and practices appropriate to the students' age and understanding. Parents are encouraged to pray with their children, participate in school liturgies, to join in Christian themes and practices, and to become actively involved in programs that prepare their child/children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist. The Sacramental Program is now Parish-based, but the school remains involved in teaching sacramental content and organising sacramental liturgies. As a school we participate in the Anointing Mass at The Willows once a month and celebrate at least one Mass, Liturgy or Prayer Assembly per term.
A Personal Development Education Program is taught to all children from Prep to Year 6. This program is integrated into the other subjects and parents are informed each term of any sensitive topics being taught. Elements of the Personal Social Development Education is taught through the following curriculum areas:
Religious Education
Health and Physical Education
Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum
In Years 5 and 6, there are specific connections to managing changes and transitions associated with puberty and the reproductive system, investigating ways to seek help about health, safety and wellbeing and knowledge about private body parts and body ownership. A member from the Catholic Education Diocese of Rockhampton Religious Education team presents these specific lessons, assisting the regular classroom teacher. The content to be taught is taken from the current Diocesan Personal and Social Development Education program called “Continuing the Journey”. This program is implemented in all of the schools and colleges in our Diocese and is supported by the Diocesan Policy on ‘Personal and Social Development Education 2017’.